Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lou Gehrig

Ok first of all I am going to say that it's not going to be every tuesday that I Write up it's just going to be once a week. So this week I watched the movie Pride of the Yankees. I really liked it. It did have some slow going parts to it but it was a fantastic movie I had a lot of fun with it. I think I will give it a

And it was the saddest movie iv'e ever seen. Here is a trailer below this page I hope you enjoy it because here it is.

Monday, October 26, 2009

This week I watched the movie Fearless. I liked it. It was good and I learned a lot from it. But I do have to say not all the information in it was true because I checked on the internet about what really happened. And I have to admit I thought the dubbing was annoying. And I do not think the end was so good because it was very boring.

But over all I thought it was a spectacular movie it was the best one yet I had a lot of fun with it. The main characters name in it was Huo Yuanjia. But I still don't think I can give it a five star because it definitely was not even a little bit close to perfect at all because it was also very, very, very, very, depressing. I almost cried at the end. So I would say that I would probably give it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....

So that is what I thought about that movie. Here is a free preveiw on the movie fearless at the bottom of the page I hope you enjoy it. So for next week I am not going to tell you what I am going to watch but I will tell you that it's going to be good. It's going to be something unexpectable. And I really hope you enjoy that to. I think you should give fearless a try it's a very good movie. Ok bye. Tucker out.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Apollo 13

This week I watched the movie Apollo 13. I have to say I did not like it very much I thought it was too complicated and it was just plain old boring. The main character the actor is Tom Hanks. He did a pretty good job at it and all the acting was great I give that a,n a+. But I think the movie over all I would probably give it

I think some parts of it were good like at the beginning when Neal Armstrong landed on the moon. But pretty much the rest I did not like very much at all. Here is the official preview of the movie Apollo 13 enjoy it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

did I like it

This week I watched Troy. I have to say it was not my favorite movie at all. In fact I liked it about half way through the movie. After that it started to get depressing and confusing and everybody was making stupid decisions like the trojan horse. They thought it was a gift from god. It was depressing because in the end all the characters we liked died in the end.

The main characters name was Achilles and he was the big tough guy. He was a big sociopath. He had no sense of right or wrong at all. But in the end he did come around and changed. I agree with all the critics. They said that it was mixed I agree with them. I say in ratings I give it about a

I still don't know what movie I am watching next Tuesday. So it will be a big surprise for both of us. I think it will be a good movie though. Tucker out.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Hi it is me. I want to let you know that instead of Monday every week I will have my post on Tuesday so look for my first post tomorrow. As in movie words I will say, Tucker out.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blogger time

Hi my name is Tucker And this is my blog. This is the first post ever. Most days here is what I will be doing. Every Monday I will be watching an educational and true movie that teaches me about the world. And just so you know I am only 10 years old. If I were a adult I would all ready know this stuff well at least I hopefully would. And when I say educational I dont mean stuff like whats 2+2=4, I mean like movies about history. Sometimes I might post on how much of the movie is true and how much is false.

When I post them I will always rate them on a scale of 0 stars to 5 stars on how good I thought they were and how well I think they were made and how realistic I thought they were made and how well all around I thought they were made. This first post as you can see I will not be writing up any movie I saw because I did not see a movie this week but stop by next Monday because that will be my first movie. Most weeks I wont tell you what next weeks movies are but this week it is an exception. So here is a trailer for the movie I will be watching next week. So here is the title for the first ever movie that I will be watching next week it was very popular when it came out it is called troy and here is a trailer for the first movie I will be watching called Troy, very high budget.